How to Sponsor a Nanny in Abu Dhabi ?. A Comprehensive Guide

How to Sponsor a Nanny in Abu Dhabi: A Comprehensive Guide

Abu Dhabi, a bustling hub in the UAE, often necessitates additional help for families, especially in terms of childcare and household chores. Sponsoring a nanny in Abu Dhabi is a viable solution many turn to. This guide will take you through the necessary steps, requirements, and considerations for sponsoring a nanny in Abu Dhabi.

Prerequisites and Requirements​​

For the Nanny

  • Age Limit: Must be between 18-58 years old.
  • Valid Visa: Should possess a valid UAE visit visa.
  • Non-Relation: Cannot be related to the sponsor.
  • Medical Clearance: Must pass a medical test.
  • Nationality: Should be from Bangladesh, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Philippines, or Sri Lanka.

For the Sponsor

  • Residency: Must have a valid UAE resident visa.
  • Income Threshold: A minimum monthly salary of AED 10,000 is required.
  • Accommodation: Needs to provide living accommodations with at least two bedrooms.
  • Marital Status: Bachelors cannot sponsor a maid or nanny. Married sponsors must present a marriage certificate.

Required Documents​​

  • Cancellation paperwork from the previous sponsor (if applicable).
  • The nanny’s passport with a visit visa and stamp.
  • Proof of the nanny’s residency application (if ongoing).
  • The nanny’s medical certificate.
  • A copy of the sponsor’s passport with a residence visa.
  • The sponsor’s employment contract indicating salary.
  • The sponsor’s tenancy contract, attested through Tawtheeq.
  • Copies of the sponsor’s ADEWA electricity and water bill.
  • Passport-sized photos of the maid and sponsor (three copies each).

Processing Fees​​

  • Resident visa fee: AED 5,080.
  • Refundable deposit: AED 2,030.
  • Typed application fee: AED 220.
  • Courier charge: AED 10.

Step-by-Step Procedure​​

  1. Application Form: Complete the form at the nearest typing centre.
  2. Document Submission: Submit the necessary documents to the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) and pay the corresponding fees.
  3. Labour Contract: State the nanny’s salary, which will be included in the labour contract. The contract should be signed by both parties.
  4. Residence Stamp: A residence stamp, valid for one year, will be placed in the nanny’s passport.
  5. Visa and Labour Card Delivery: The nanny’s passport with the residence visa, along with her labour card, will be sent via courier within five days.

Note: The deposit fee is refundable when the nanny leaves the UAE permanently or when her visa is transferred to a new sponsor. Keep the receipt for future reference.

Responsibilities as a Sponsor

As a sponsor, you are responsible for ensuring the well-being of your nanny. This includes timely payment of her salary, providing accommodation and health insurance, granting rest days and official leaves, and arranging return tickets to her home country every two years​​.


Sponsoring a nanny in Abu Dhabi requires a clear understanding of the legal prerequisites, document requirements, and financial commitments. By adhering to these guidelines, families can ensure a smooth process in acquiring the necessary help, while also fulfilling their responsibilities as sponsors.

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